The Effect of Environmental Therapy on Mental Disorder Patients: A Literature Review
AbstractBackground: Mental disorders are a condition of disruption of thought, mental, behavioral, emotional and verbal functions which constitute a group of clinical symptoms characterized by suffering. There are various types of mental disorders, such as hallucinations, delusions, low self-esteem, violence, risk of suicide and many more. One effort to overcome these mental disorders is to use environmental therapy. There are also many types of environmental therapy, for example gardening, raising animals, creating a supportive environment, dhikr therapy, music therapy and so on. Research objective: This is to analyze the effect of environmental therapy on the healing or recovery of mental disorder patients. Search method: the database searches were used to identify potential articles: Scopus, ScienceDirect, PubMed, and Elsevier databases. The inclusion criteria were open access, English-language, and full-text articles published in journals between December 2016 and December 2020. A total of fifteen articles was reviewed to answer the research question. The data were analyzed by PRISMA flow chart.. Results and analysis: researchers found 15 journals that met the inclusion criteria. Environmental therapy for mental disorders is mostly quasi-experimental, pre-experimental and pre-experimental. Conclusion: So it can be concluded that environmental therapy for patients with mental disorders is very important to support the healing or recovery of patients with mental disorders.
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