The Influence of Educators' Perceptions of Principal Leadership and School Culture on Digital Teacher Literacy Services at School
AbstractThis study was conducted to determine the effect of digital literacy services on educators' perception regarding the leadership of school principals and the influence of digital literacy services on school culture and the influence of school culture on educators' perceptions of principal leadership. Researchers chose a quantitative method with a path analysis technique, and with a total population of 152 teachers and up to 110 respondents. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to each respondent and analyzed using SPSS 25. The results show a direct influence of teachers' perceptions of school leadership on digital teacher literacy services with a correlation of 0.518 and a path coefficient of 0.306, contributing to 15.84 percent. There is also a direct influence of school culture on digital teacher literacy services with a correlation of 0.586 and a path coefficient of 0.439, contributing to 25.75 percent. Meanwhile, an influence of educators' perceptions regarding principal's leadership and school culture on digital teacher literacy can be viewed from a correlation of 0.483. In other words, there is a joint influence of educators' perceptions of principals' leadership and school culture on digital teacher literacy services with a correlation of 0.64 and a contribution of 41.59 percent. This means that teachers' perceptions of principal leadership and school culture have a significant influence of 41.59 percent on teacher digital literacy services. |
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10.33650/al-tanzim.v6i4.3987 |
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