Clinical Supervision Model to Overcome Loss Learning in Elementary School Post Pandemic
AbstractThe application of school principal supervision management is very much needed in post-pandemic learning. The problem of learning loss was found to be predominant among students in schools. This research is a school action research in the form of clinical supervision by the principal to overcome the loss of learning. The clinical supervision model has three stages: the first meeting, the observation, and the feedback meeting. School teachers as many as 12 people as research subjects. The data collection was carried out using clinical supervision observation sheets. The collected data is then analyzed. The result shows a score that can overcome the loss of learning. Scores in cycle I increased in cycle II. In cycle I, the average score was 70.00. Cycle II increased by 95.00 for the average score. The implementation of clinical supervision has several processes, from testing research instruments, and learning observations, to assessment. The study results show that clinical supervision can improve the quality of teacher learning in terms of overcoming the loss of learning in students. |
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10.33650/al-tanzim.v7i1.4446 |
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