“Emun Berangkat”: Exploring Teamwork in Organizations through Local Wisdom Narratives
AbstractThis paper is a response to the limitations of previous studies regarding teamwork and its relationship with effectiveness in the workplace, communication in teamwork, and the role of leadership in teamwork. This paper will find local wisdom narratives regarding teamwork principles so that they can guide actions when working in teams. The research method used was qualitative with an ethnographic approach, conducting interviews with 12 people using a purposive sampling technique, who were selected based on expertise such as cultural figures, Gayo traditional councils, academics, community and religious leaders, education practitioners, and managers. Ethnographic data analysis emphasizes understanding the cultural context so that it can be seen how everything is interconnected and meaningful. Data were analyzed through three stages, namely data restatement, data description, and data interpretation, and ended with a conclusion. The results of the research show that the principles of teamwork are based on local Gayo wisdom, namely the importance of having a vision, being well organized, making decisions through consensus, ethics, mutual welfare, altruism, common goals, coherence, values, meaningful, proportional, job assignment and specialization, monism or non-overlapping, integrity, consolidation, synergy, esprit de corps, solidarity, cohesion, loyalty, effective leadership, interdependence, interconnectedness, mutual trust, mutual development, collaboration, mutual benefit, normative, optimistic, firm, empathetic, harmonious, full of affection, mutual respect.
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