AbstractThis study aims to analyze aspects of maqasid interpretation in Marah Labid Interpretation using qualitative research methods and content analysis approaches. The focus of this research is on the aspect of tolerance in this interpretation, which has the intention of allowing the formation of a system that guarantees personal, property, and minority elements in society by respecting religion, morality, and their institutions and respecting people's opinions. Other as well as the differences that exist in their environment without having to clash with each other just because of different beliefs and religions. Imam Nawawi al Banteni gave a significant presentation on the dimension of religious tolerance. According to Shaykh Nawawi al-Bantani, in matters of religion, social interaction, and Islamic politics, especially with those of different religions, the maqasid interpretation shows the nature of tolerance which includes three things. First, not forcing followers of other religions to embrace Islam, in the sense of giving them the freedom to determine their beliefs. Second, not insulting and insulting religions, in the sense of respecting other religions without insulting or making fun of what they worship. Third, establishing ukhuwah al-Basyariah with limitations, as long as they do not fight and expel Muslims from their own country. Based on the analysis of maqasid interpretations in Tafsir Marah Labid, a deeper understanding of the nature of religious tolerance according to Shaykh Nawawi is found. These findings make an important contribution to expanding knowledge and understanding of inter-religious tolerance.
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10.33650/graduasi.v1i1.8237 |
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Published by Islamic Faculty of Nurul Jadid University, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia.