Authors (s)

(1) * M. Hanif Muqorrobin   (Universitas Nurul Jadid)  
(*) Corresponding Author


The Living Qur'an is a culture or custom that contains elements of the Qur'an or is closely related to the Qur'an. In Suren Village, Ledokombo District, Jember Regency, there is a culture of reciting the Al-Qadr surah on a corpse pillow. The purpose of this study is to reveal the priority of reciting surah Al-Qadr on corpse pillows and cultural construction. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method this type of research is a case study research that focuses intensively on one particular object and studies it as a case. Case study data can be obtained from all parties concerned; in other words, this study was collected from various sources, starting from community leaders, the head of Kifayah Harmony, and the local community. The data collection technique for this study used an in-depth interview technique not only carried out face to face but also via telephone. The results of this study indicate that the cultural construction of reading surah Al-Qadr on a corpse pillow in Suren Village, Ledokombo District, Jember Regency is closely related to the development of Islam in Suren Village. The condition of the common people at that time made all that was taught by Kiai Shonhaji be carried out without any consideration or questioning. As for the priority of reciting surah al-Qadr on the body pillow, it means that the deceased who is in the grave will not be punished. The local community's perception of reading surah Al-Qadr on a corpse pillow is not the same; some do it because it has become a tradition, ordered by local community leaders, and because of the priority contained in it.


Bantal Mayat; Living Qur’an; Surah Al-Qadr

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Copyright (c) 2024 M. Hanif Muqorrobin

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Published by Islamic Faculty of Nurul Jadid University, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia.