Musikalisasi Syi’ir Aqoid Kiai Zaini Mun’im dan Budidaya Tanaman Obat Keluarga (Toga) di Pesantren Nurul Jadid Probolinggo

Khodijatul Qodriyah


The lack of students’ knowledge of their teachers’ works and the less of their consciousness to the environment are crucial problems in some islamic boardingschool, especially in Nurul Jadid. These issues will be settled by implementation of religious preaching (dakwah) with poem (syi’ir) in Syu’abul Iman of Kiai Zaini Mun’im and prefentive action to the illness through herbal medicines of family crops medicine (tanaman obat keluarga). The program is undertaken with some phases, including planting family crops medicine, making herbal medicines, musicalisation of poem in book of Syu’abul Iman, socialization of the herbal medicine and musical poem of Syu’abul Iman. These phases have been structured with long-term, middle-term, and short-term programs which were finished during approximately 4 months (Augustus – November 2019). The involvement of many parties, such as activists of environment in Nurul Jadid, has strongly influenced on the successful implementation of these programs.

Keywords: Family Crops Medicine, Nurul Jadid Islamic Boardingschool, Book of Syu’abul Iman

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