PKM Pemanfaatan Daur Ulang Sampah Non-Organik Berbasis Ecobrick dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi dan Kreativitas Santri Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid

Moh. Idil Ghufron, Siti Maryam, Sri Nurul Ulif Al Inayah, Fitria Fitria, Faizatul Aliyah, Yunita Nurmelinda, Sulis Nada


Garbage is an item deemed unused and disposed of by the previous owner/user, but for some people, it can still be used if it is managed with the right procedures. However, non-organic waste is often considered as environmental pollution due to industry and households. Therefore, this student service activity is to make use of non-organic waste to be useful by making it creative to deal with scattered garbage. The method of counseling and training for santri in the Al-Mawaddah area on how to make creativity such as flower pots and flowers from non-organic waste. The result obtained from this activity were: a) considerable enthusiasm from the students for the material they had been given, and b)increased knowledge of the students on the use of non-organic waste as a material for creativity.


trash; creativity; ecobrick; collage student

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