The Effect of Spiritual Therapy on The Emotion Regulation of Caregivers of Mental Disorder Clients: A Systematic Review

Wahyu Sulfian, Chanda Chansa Thelma


Background: Schizophrenic client caregivers are faced with various problems caused by the abnormal behavior of schizophrenic clients that can trigger stress. The stress experienced by the schizophrenia client caregiver is indicated by the decrease in emotional control which has an impact on the treatment of schizophrenic clients. Objective: To determine the effectiveness of spiritual care in improving the emotional regulation of caregiver clients with schizophrenia. Methods: The sources of the articles used were obtained from searches through the Scopus database, Science Direct, and Proquest. The search for articles is limited from 2015 to 2020. After the articles are obtained, they are then reviewed until the stage of making a systematic review. The keywords used in the article search were "spiritual care", "Emotional Regulation" "Caregiver". This systematic review uses 15 articles that fit the inclusion criteria. Results: The spiritual care intervention from the reviewed research is very significant in increasing the emotional regulation of the caregiver in schizophrenic clients. Conclusion: Spiritual care strategy can increase emotional regulation and calm attitude so that it will have a good impact on the recovery process for schizophrenic clients. Recommendation: We recommend spiritual care strategies to be implemented by health workers in the community as an intervention to improve the caregiver's ability to improve emotional regulation.


Spiritual therapy, Emotion Regulation, Caregiver, Mental disorder

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