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This paper is discussed about rethinking Islamic education towards culture transformation
in the 21st century. The development of education particularly in the context of Islamic education
within the framework of the modern education system as well as pondok/ pasentren education
system demand leadership of teachers and leaders adaptable with the changes and existing condition
in the Islamic Education context and recognize the needs to be effective Islamic Education Leaders.
In accordance to rethinking Islamic Education, the requirements to familiar with research findings
on the knowledge, skills, implementation tools, methods, and strategies useful for formulating
vision direction and positive learning in the 21st century Islamic school environment are necessities.
This paper also discussed an emerging role and challenging of the 21st century Islamic educations teachers and leaders required to transform the Islamic Education. Major transformations required
the 21st century leader to be a powerful learner, visionary, instructional and influential people. The
21st century leader is essential to have tools and methods to expect, inspect, direct, respect and
reflect. The culture transformation will need to concentrate on curriculum development, formative
assessment, instruction, technology adaptability, culture and climate, professional development as
well as effective supervision to make a massive improvement in Islamic Education System.

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Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

Published by Islamic Faculty of Nurul Jadid University, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia.