Jumari Iswadi, Yulianto Yulianto, Hasan Mukmin, Bambang Budiwiranto


One example of an object of national development for each province is the tourism sector. Tourism is a source of foreign exchange that has the potential and has a big role in increasing the economic growth of a country. The tourism sector in Indonesia is very easy to develop by improving infrastructure, security and good management in order to be able to create a tourism sector that attracts local and foreign tourists with a good sense of satisfaction. The results of this study conclude that the form of transparency in environmental-based tourism development in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province is implemented properly and maximally. The form of accountability in environmental-based tourism development in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province is applied to the maximum. The participatory form of subjects and actors in environmental-based tourism development in Lampung Province is very actively carried out. Community participation is very important for the establishment of this tourist spot. The form of the effectiveness of activities in environmental-based tourism development in Lampung Province has been carried out with the maximum. The consensus implemented in the development of environmental-based tourism in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province is very actively carried out until now. The form of activities that are mutually beneficial and advance in the development of environmental-based tourism in Lampung Province have been carried out to the maximum. One of them can be seen from the participation of the community (participation). Furthermore, the author recommends that the Tourism and Culture Office of Pringsewu City always monitor and develop several hotels in Pringsewu City by providing input and suggestions in the management of business services in the tourism sector, and the results become evaluation material for the Pringsewu City Tourism and Culture Office, especially in the field of fostering and developing tourism actors. It is recommended that Information Communication and Education for tourism village managers, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of partnership development be further improved so that the target of tourism villages and tourism business actors in Pringsewu Regency can become a structured promotion program.

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