Fina Ariatpi(1*), Lenny Marlina(2)
(1) Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
(2) Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
(*) Corresponding Author


Complex conflict dynamics often occur in educational institutions. Good leadership and a supportive
organizational culture can help manage conflict during the transformation process. The aim of this
research is to study how organizational culture and leadership play an important role in handling
conflict during the transformation process of educational organizations. In collecting data, this
research used in-depth interviews , document analysis, and participant observation. School
principals, teachers and education staff are respondents who are directly involved in the transformation
process. The thematic method was used to analyze the data to find conflict patterns, leadership
roles, and the effects of culture on the organization. The research results show that leadership that is
visionary and focuses on problem solving, as well as building openness in communication has a very
important role in managing conflict. A culture in the educational environment that supports the
progress of educators and education personnel, as well as collaboration between all stakeholders can
create a harmonious environment. Where conflict is considered a process that must be gone
through in reaching a mutual agreement, not as a division that threatens the harmony of educational


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