Solar Power Plant Optimization using Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) and Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD)
AbstractThe automatic system model uses a Solar Charge Controller (SCC) to turn off the solar panel system at the minimum battery point so that the battery is safe and durable and an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) to automatically transfer the electricity network from State Electricity Company or Grid or solar panels. In this study, Solar Panel Priority Grid electricity is used if the solar panel is insufficient and hybrid system with solar panel priority with 2 cut out battery usage. The results of this study are 450WP Solar Panel, 100A SCC MPPT, 12V/100Ah Battery, and 3000 Watt Modified Sine Wave Inverter, Miniature Circuit Breaker, Contactor, Relay Switch, Time Delay Relay and Indicators. The results of the switching process test between the Solar Power Plant source and grid with ATS control can run automatically in Grid Priority Mode, meaning Solar Power Plant as a backup, or Solar Power Plant Priority Mode where the grid source is used as a power backup system. In the Battery Capacity Optimization System, Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD) Protection can work well, namely it can cut off the voltage from the inverter if the battery is in a low voltage state at a rating below 10.8 Volts, Auto Cut Charging Protection testing can charge the battery up to 13.8 Volts and Cycle Use, namely the process of this system can work to store energy while releasing energy to run the load. The results of this study can be used as a reference for the best choice of the most efficient Solar Power Plant system.
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