AbstractBullying is a very bad or deviant behavior because bullying behavior has a serious impact on the mental development of an individual, both children and adolescents. Objective: to determine the effect of bullying behavior on social interaction in adolescents. Methods: The sources of the articles used were obtained from searches through the Science Direct database, Google Cindekia and Google Scholar. Article search is restricted from 2016-2021. After the article is obtained, then the article is reviewed until the stage of making a literature review. The keywords used in the article search were “bullying behavior” “social interaction” “Adolescents”. This literature review uses 15 articles that meet the inclusion criteria. Results: The effect of bullying behavior from the research reviewed is very influential on social interaction in adolescents. Conclusion: Based on the results of a review of 15 journals on the influence of bullying behavior, it is very influential on social interaction in adolescents |
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10.33650/jkp.v11i1.5545 |
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Copyright (c) 2023 M. Tri Bagas Romadhoni, Maulidiyah Junnatul Azzizah Heru, Ach. Rofiqi, Zullul Warquatul Hasanah, Vivin Anda Yani