Author Guidelines

General Author Guideline for “Profit : Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi dan Perbankan Syariah”

  1. The Manuscript is the result of thoughts or results of research in the field of Islamic studies in a multi-perspective based on Islamic Nusantara.
  2. The Manuscript should be written in Indonesian or English and have never been published or is not in the process of submission r publication to other media and does not contain elements of plagiarism.
  3. Manuscript written in Indonesian or English language written in MS word 20 pages, Book Antiqua font size 12 points, A4 size paper, 1.5 spacing and Traditional Arabic font size 18 points.
  4. The name of the author, institution, and email are listed below the title.
  5. Abstract written in English not exceeding 150 words and as a single paragraph and translated into Indonesian language  (containing aim of research, methods, and result).
  6. The Manuscript should be prepared according to the following author guidelines and Template.
  7. The manuscript is submitted through OJS portal and confirm to email : by attaching the author's short biography and statement of article originality.
  8. The Bibliography should be written alphabetic and according to these below examples:
  • Book

Gugler, J. (2004). World Cities beyond the West: Globalization, Development, and Inequality. Cambridge: Cambirdge University Press.

  • Book Section

Maussen, M. J. M. (2009). Dutch Colonialism, Islam and Mosques. In Maussen, Marcel. J. M. Constructing Mosques: The Governance of Islam in France and the Netherlands (pp. 91–106). Amesterdam: University of Amesterdam.

  • Journal

Fawaid, A. (2015). Contesting Double Genealogy: Representing Rebellion Ambiguity in Babad Tanah Jawi. International Journal of Heritage of Nusantara, 4(2), 243–260.

  • Proceeding

Hefniy. (2016). Kyai Leadership in Improving Organizational PErformance in Pesantren. Proceeding, 2nd ICET Theme:“Improving The Quality Of Education And Training Through Strengthening Networking,” 324.

  • Working Paper

Saliya, Yuswadi, Hariadi,  and G. T. (1990). Contemporary Expressions of Islam in Buildings: Indonesian Experience. Paper presented at the seminar on Contemporary Expressions of Islam in Building, sponsored by the Aga Khan Ward for Architecture, Yogyakarta (Oct. 16-19).

  • Article from Newspaper

Rudi, A. (2017, April). (2017). “Mengintip Masjid Raya KH. Hasyim Asy’ari”. Kompas. 21 April: 2. Kompas, p. 2.