Relasi Etika dan Teknologi dalam Perspektif Filsafat Islam
AbstractIf in Islam ethics includes manners, then ethics is more about measuring reason. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that studies human behavior. In Islamic ethics, it is not only a virtue, but it is useful for all and appreciated by Allah. Ethics also examines the good and bad sides of an action, including what is right and what is wrong. This study presents Islamic ethics that originate from Islamic teachings and philosophy. In addition, here we discuss the understanding of the relationship between ethics and science, which is not discussed much in Islamic philosophy. Among the figures of Islamic philosophy discussed in the study are Plato and al-Ghazali. And for those who have reduced ethics to an existing science, here is a discussion of how ethics and science can be improved because both have a strong ethical foundation and are the basis for achieving true happiness. There are two types of mind: philosophical and common sense. Plato also said that people are good when they are ruled by reason and evil when they are ruled by desires and passions
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10.33650/trilogi.v3i3.6594 |
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