Screening for Plagiarism

Articles submitted to Adult Health Nursing Journal will be filtered using Turnitin software, with a maximum of 20% similarities permitted.

Plagiarism includes:

  1. Word-for-word plagiarism – borrowing another author’s language word-for-word but not putting it in quotation marks or citing it correctly.
  2. Source plagiarism – using the ideas of others without giving recognition or citing the source explicitly.
  3. Plagiarism of authorship – presenting another author's work as one’s own.
  4. Self-plagiarism - authors publishing an article in more than one journal by recycling papers. The important issue related to self-plagiarism is that when citing one's own work, significant changes must have been made to the new article. The previous article should only contain a small percentage of any new article produced. So readers will receive new information, which may be inspired by but different from the previous articles.


Adult Health Nursing Journal
Published by Fakultas Kesehatan, Universitas Nurul Jadid, Paiton
Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia