Bibliometric Analysis: Developments in Research on Human Resource Management in Higher Education Based on the Google Scholar Database
AbstractThis research aims to analyze the development of research on human resource management in higher education based on the Google Scholar database. It can provide a reference point for further research on related topics. This research method uses bibliometric analysis; data collection is carried out based on international publication data from the Google Scholar database from 2015-2022 using the Publish or Perish tool, and the data analysis process is carried out using the VOSviewer tool. The research results show that the distribution of journal articles on human resource management related to higher education in the Google Scholar database from 2015-2022 is 999 journals, and the development of journal publications in the Google Scholar database has decreased. This occurred in 2015 as the highest number of journal publications, namely 222 (22%), while the fewest journal publications occurred in 2022, namely 19 publications (2%). Through density visualization, the terms "Human Resource Management" and "University" are the most frequently used research topics. With the overlay visualization, "Human Resource Management" was mainly used as a research topic around 2017, while the term University was used as a research topic around 2018. Based on this, further research on human resource management can be developed by referring to others that still need to be done. |
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10.33650/al-tanzim.v7i4.5828 |
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Copyright (c) 2023 Berliana Kartakusumah, Abdul Kholik, Zahra Khsunul Lathifah, Hamurdani, Annisa Noviyanti