Implementation of Gotong Royong Value in Increasing National Resilience during The New Normal Order
AbstractPandemic Covid-19 has been running in Indonesia for more than two years, synergy in policies and persuasion measures from policy makers is indispensable, so that national issues can be minimized. The government has made various efforts, including macro and micro social restrictions in order to maintain and rebuild national economic resilience. On the other hand, Indonesian people have a direct social culture. Indonesian people's perception of the actual relationship if they have met physically and greeted each other directly. This kind of thing if left unchecked can be one of the triggers for the spread of the new Covid-19 cluster. The approach used in this study is qualitative with the type of library research. This study wants to answer questions about what approach can be used to break the chain of Covid-19 spread and rebuild national economic resilience. Finally, the conclusion of the research is the first, the value of mutual cooperation in the frame of Sesanti Bhinneka Tunggal Ika has the basic principle of conducting joint activities to achieve common goals in synergy, collaboration, coordination and mutual empowering. Second, in the process of strengthening the value of mutual assistance can be done through synergy and collaboration involving all components of the nation covering all segmentation of society through the whole of government approach and pentahelix model concept. And third, the implementation of mutual value in the New Normal period can improve the quality of people's welfare towards the National Economic Resilience. |
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10.33650/at-turas.v8i2.2695 |
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