Pemikiran Ulama Nusantara dalam Pergumulan Wahabi dan Perubahan Sosio-Politik: Analisis Risalah At-Tauhid Karya KHR. As’ad Syamsul Arifin Situbondo


Authors (s)

(1) * Nawawi Nawawi   (Universitas Ibrahimy, Situbondo)  
(*) Corresponding Author


This study found that the theology in the Risalah at-Tawhid by KH. As'ad Syamsul Arifin is moderate, namely the balance between reason and religious texts (naqli). The concept of kyai As'ad's tri-tawhid has a foundation from previous scholars and the relationship between the two is mutually attached (talazum), so it is inconceivable if someone who believes in one of them also denies the other. Both have different basic meanings, but have the same meaning (madlul), so it is inconceivable to believe in one of them and deny the other. In contrast to the Wahhabi (Ibn Tamiyah) tri-tawhid concept, it is problematic because it adheres to one of the three categories of monotheism. In fact, the substance of monotheism is the endorsement of Allah and the implication is that the polytheists do not believe in monotheism. Furthermore, the Risalah at-Tawhid examines Sufism, Suluki and philosophy. Suluki Sufism is implemented in the form of a tarekat. Meanwhile, philosophical Sufism includes fana' as a form of awareness of the existence of communication and dialogue between the human spirit and God through contemplation. Likewise, this book examines politics and the criteria for leadership as a form of social Sufism. Namely, Sufism is not only concerned with individual piety but also the movement for socio-political change. This Sufism model is a balance between the life of the world and the hereafter. Thus, this book belongs to the category of progressive and moderate thinking.


Thoughts of Indonesian Ulama, Wahabi, Risalah At-Tauhid

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