Peer Review Process

At DIFITECH : Digital Futures and Information Technology each submitted manuscript undergoes a rigorous peer review process to ensure high academic quality and relevance. Initially, the manuscript is evaluated by the editorial team to assess its alignment with the journal's focus and scope. If it meets the preliminary criteria, the manuscript is then sent for external review.

We employ a Double-Blind Peer Review process, where the identities of both the authors and reviewers are kept confidential. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two experts in the relevant field. The reviewers provide constructive feedback on the manuscript's originality, methodology, clarity, and contribution to the field.

After receiving feedback from the reviewers, authors are expected to revise their manuscripts according to the recommendations provided. The revised manuscript must be returned to the editorial team within the specified timeframe for re-evaluation. The editorial team will assess the revisions and make the final decision regarding the manuscript's acceptance for publication. This review process is typically completed within two to three months, and authors will be notified of the editorial decision as soon as possible. We are committed to maintaining a fair, objective, and timely review process while ensuring the confidentiality of all submitted manuscripts.