AbstractThis paper explores the view of the responsibility of the Khalifah on earth in maintaining nature optimally. The sacralization of the universe triggers moral and religious responsibilities among Muslims to care for environmental sustainability. This study encourages the development of a new cosmology that incorporates spiritual values and wisdom to support the sustainability of nature and humans on Earth. Qualitative research methods were used to analyze the views of Indonesian mufassirs and understand verses related to environmental damage. Data were collected from literature on the environment and interpretations of relevant verses. Data analysis was conducted iteratively with data reduction, display, and verification techniques. The findings show that humans as Khalifah have the responsibility to maintain the balance and sustainability of the environment, in line with the Quranic mandate. The perspectives of Quraish Shihab, Hasbi As-Sidqy, and Buya Hamka indicate that the universe was created by God for human needs, closely linking devotion to God and environmental preservation. This study provides insight into the relationship between religion, morals and sustainability in the context of human life on Earth.
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10.33650/graduasi.v1i1.8238 |
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Published by Islamic Faculty of Nurul Jadid University, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia.