AbstractThe phenomenon of hoax news that broadcasts through various communication media, both in social media and in people's social lives has caused anxiety and tension in each individual. Various prejudices arise in the minds of the individuals involved. It cannot be denied that this can encourage someone to have bad prejudices. As a result, the goals of communication science are not achieved; peace and security. This encourages the author to make it an object of research. The main object that is the problem in this research is Surat al-Hujurat verse 12. This research is related to the limitations of prejudice contained in Surat al-Hujurat verse 12. This is intended so that each individual knows the extent to which he is allowed or not to be prejudiced. , as well as the law of prejudice. This research is library research. The primary data collected is the Al-Quran and Quraish Shihab in their interpretation, and secondary data is obtained through the literature of books and journals. The research results show that prejudice is the basis for hampered communication and the breakdown of relationships. This research results that: Quraish Shihab's interpretation says that unfounded prejudice is a sin, and if it is clear the indication is just the opposite. However, Shihab allowed doubts to arise because of the spontaneity of the heart.
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10.33650/graduasi.v1i1.8252 |
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Published by Islamic Faculty of Nurul Jadid University, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia.