Ahmad Fauzi


Conceptually, the existence of management of Islamic education ranging from the foundational and operational, has not been able to resolve well, and draw attention among practitioners and managers of Islamic education to be neatly disentangled and can be found the tip of the base. From the foundational aspect, there are still many people who question, what is the substance of the management of Islamic education, where the difference lies in the study of science education management in general. Therefore, this paper briefly discusses the building of epistemological management of transformative Islamic education based on the values of local wisdom in the boarding school. The habitualisation of the values of Islamic education -the pesantren- has strong roots and galaology of scholarship, even this is a significant core belief and core values of Islamic education management. Significance of the management of Islamic education referred to, as a conceptual framework and transformation in the field of management of Islamic education through the social role of individuals over values within the pesantren tradition. Internalization of pesantren values is expected to become a positive energy on individual social roles and actions in Islamic education management. Therefore, the action of the individual is essentially a product of the attraction positive (negative) energy (negative) and is expected to bring changes to the implementation of Islamic education management.

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Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

Published by Islamic Faculty of Nurul Jadid University, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia.