Authors (s)

(1) * Awang Cahyo Dahono   (Education and Teacher Training Faculty of Jember University, Jember East Java)  
(2)  Sri Kantun   (Education and Teacher Training Faculty of Jember University, Jember East Java)  
(3)  Sukidin Sukidin   (Education and Teacher Training Faculty of Jember University, Jember East Java)  
(*) Corresponding Author


Evaluation Research assesses project-based learning in Social science lesson Class VII even semester of the academic year 2016-2017 material understands the types of social, religious, economic and political institutions in the community using the CIPP model. The research location is determined by purposife area, located at MTs Negeri Jember III, Data obtained: Assistant Head of Madrasah curriculum field, subject teachers and non-educational staff and learners Supporting data sources: madrasah documents, teachers, students. Methods of data collection are observation, interview, and documentation. Data processing techniques are data reduction, display data, interpretation data, conclude and verify, validity of results, narrative analysis results, and make recommendations.
This is the underlying researcher to conduct research learning using the model Based Learning Project because the learning process in MTs Negeri Jember III not optimal, teachers in teaching Social Learning integrated learning in particular still using the model of lectures / expasitori (teacher centered) and students do not understand the material Delivered by the teacher causes the learning activities to be passive and student learning outcomes on the subjects are less meet. Learning problems emphasize aspects of knowledge, facts and concepts that are memorizing. Social science Learning at madrasah is always presented in factual form, dry concept, teacher only pursues the target of curriculum achievement, unattached process. This causes learning to become bored, bored and considered by learners as a second-class lesson.
Evaluation of the CIPP model: The context aims to assess the implementation of the syllabus planning, the preparation of the learning plan, the preparation of the learning activities, the questionnaire aspect, before the observation, the observation, after observation, with the average final score for the context assessment of 69.14% consulted with the criteria table The success of the program has a good category. Input aims to assess the implementation of learning activities, classroom visits in the learning process, assessment of learning plans, classroom visit instruments document, assessment of lesson plan RPP document final score 180% enough. The process for assessing the implementation of supervision of class visits, observation of students on the learning process, skills in carrying out personal relationshSocial science, student activities in the learning process, final score 211% average final scoring process score of 52.75% based on good category criteria table. The product aims to carry out the assessment of knowledge, skills, social and spiritual attitudes according to permendikbud 81A of 71% with the provision of criteria table has a good category.

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Al-Tanzim : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam

Published by Islamic Faculty of Nurul Jadid University, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia.