Himma Savira, Muhammad Bahy Naufal, Moh. Anwar


Study This is motivated by the challenges Islamic boarding schools face in Indonesia due to the disruption of technology and globalization.  Pondok Islamic boarding school Diponegoro Klungkung Bali becomes the main focus of the study.  This is Because the leadership of Kiai at the Islamic boarding school must be capable of balancing preservation values and traditions with the demands of modernity.  Research reveals How leadership can respond to disruption without ignoring existing traditions.  Research This uses an approach that includes a design study case.  Data was collected through interviews with Kiai, administrator foundations, and teachers and direct observation of activities in Islamic boarding schools.  Analysis was done using descriptive and interpretive methods to identify patterns of leadership participation and the challenges faced.  Research results show that participatory leadership in Kiai involves deliberation, open, and delegated practical tasks capable of balancing tradition and innovation.  However, challenges exist, especially concerning source power, human resources, and material limitations.  Research This gives an essential outlook on relevant leadership strategies in the era of disruption.



Leadership Participatory, Delegation Tasks, Islamic Boarding Schools, Disruption, Tradition.

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