Konsep Bahasa Agama: Sebuah Kajian Hermeneutik dalam Perspektif Komaruddin Hidayat

Fitriyatul Hanifiyah
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33650/at-turas.v7i2.1250


The presence of the text amid the reader gives rise to different forms of meaning and understanding. This difference in understanding and meaning is due to the diversity of each reader with a variety of complexities in their life backgrounds. The existence of the text needs to be questioned again about the extent to which the truth of the text is in expressing and expressing reality as a whole. Likewise, the understanding of the concept of "religious language" contained in the texts of the Qur'an also needs to be studied holistically to obtain a correct and comprehensive understanding. One of the Muslim intellectuals who quite covered everything related to the language of the religion was Komaruddin Hidayat. The research method used in this research is a literature review (Library Research). For the results of this study that according to Komaruddin Hidayat's perspective, the religious language which tends to use symbolic languages has the potential to generate speculation and understanding relativism. This is one of the spirits to always interpret or interpret the holy book in the form of modern interpretation such as the hermeneutic method or other classical exegetical methods. Meanwhile, hermeneutics wants to portray itself as an art and a method of interpreting "other absent realities" either because it has passed in time or a long distance from places, where the present reality is represented by the text.

Keywords: Language, Religion, Hermeneutics

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