Paradigma Ijtihad Munawir Sjadzali dalam Reaktualisasi Hukum Islam di Indonesia


Authors (s)

(1) * Moh. Dahlan   (IAIN Bengkulu)  
(*) Corresponding Author


Social change has driven Islamic law reform. The reform of Islamic law has encouraged one of Indonesia's Islamic law reformers, Munawir Sjadzali, to re-realize Islamic law in the distribution of inheritance in Indonesia. By using the contemporary paradigm, the results of this study indicate that Munawir Sjadzali's ijtihad paradigm has given birth to a new spirit to implement ijtihad in Islamic law reform in Indonesia, namely the renewal of inheritance law by reinterpreting the Qur’an text about 2: 1 between men and women become equal between the two. The provisions of the inheritance law are formulated and applied based on the consideration of the true sense of justice and the benefit of human life.

Keywords: Social Change, Ijtihad, Reactualization, Islamic Law, Custom, and Inheritance.

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P-ISSN: 2355-567X, E-ISSN: 2460-1063