English Phonetics and Phonology Learning and Its Impact on Students’ English Pronunciation

Sri Widyarti Ali
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33650/ijoeel.v5i1.5930


This study aims to identify students' perceptions and expectations of English Phonetics and Phonology learning, and whether the learning process in this course meets students' needs and expectations for mastering English pronunciation. This research is conducted at the English department of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, by taking English Department students as research subjects. Students' perceptions and expectations regarding the English phonetics and phonology course are described using a qualitative method gleaned from student interviews. The interviews show students' perceptions of the English phonetics and phonology course that the process of learning the subject is enjoyable, the lecturer's teaching method aids students to comprehend the course material, and the course material was well-explained. While the findings of interviews on students' perceptions of the impact of studying English phonetics and phonology on their English pronunciation show that through this course students gain a better understanding of phonetics symbols, are able to recognize and distinguish various English sounds, are capable of producing language sounds with the proper use of speech organs, can correctly apply stress and intonation to English words and sentences, and improve their English pronunciation. Finally, students have expectations about the teaching and learning of English phonetics and phonology, such as lecturers should use more interesting teaching techniques, provide more practice to students, and ensure students comprehend the lesson learned before class ends.


Phonetics, Phonology, Perception, Expectation

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