Strengthening Brand Identity: Embracing Local Wisdom through Character Education Management

Istianatul Hasanah, Hefniy Hefniy, Abdul Wahid Zaini


The focus of this study is to investigate the role and implementation of character education planning in Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School in maintaining the institution's brand identity and strong local values. This study discusses the dynamics of communication in the pesantren environment and the application of attribution theory in understanding community perceptions. This study aims to explore how communication takes place in the context of pesantren and how attribution theory is used to understand the way people interpret messages and actions from pesantren. The research method used is a case study by analyzing communication interactions in certain pesantren and interviewing related community members. The results showed that communication in pesantren produces; self-awareness, optimization of communication, building a positive image, public education, and collaboration. Attribution theory helps understand how society assigns meaning and interpretation to information received from pesantren. These findings provide valuable insight into the importance of effective communication in building a positive image and increasing public understanding of pesantren. The implication of this study is to provide guidance for traditional Islamic educational institutions in strengthening brand identity and local values through a planned character education approach.


Brand Identity, Communication Dynamics, Pesantren, Community Perception

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Indonesian Journal of Education and Social Studies
Published by Lembaga Penerbitan, Penelitian, dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP3M) of Nurul Jadid University, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia.