Arabic Language Program Management: A Case Study at Al-Kindi Association

Muhammad Aulia Wildanihza Arzaqi, Muhammad Fajrul Falah


Program management is important in any program, even in Arabic language teaching program. Management is the process of planning, organizing, implementing, evaluating and monitoring the organization effectively and efficiently to achieve a specific goal through the use of human resources and other resources. In this research, the researcher wants to analyze the situation and how to manage programs in one of the famous associations, which is Al-Kindi Association in the Department of Arabic Language Education at the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim in Malang. This research aims to describe how the program is managed in it so that it can be seen to achieve the general goals. The researcher took the qualitative research methodology, which means case study, and the researcher as the unified research tools to clarify the existing data. Data in the form of observation, interview and documents. The results of the research are that this association has used 4 elements of management, which are planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating. It plans at the beginning of its period and organizes all its members by dividing the tasks until implementation is carried out in it, then evaluates by evaluation at the end of the period, which is at the end of the year.


إدارة البرنامج، اللغة العربية، الجمعية

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