Program Management of the Language Department in Teaching Arabic Language

Riki Alfian, Najah A'rafadi, Afif Ma'sum


The Arabic Language Program is a key educational initiative often implemented in Islamic institutions like pesantren. At Darussalam Nganjuk-Singgahan Islamic Boarding School, Jombang, the Arabic program is integrated into the curriculum, making it a requirement for advancing through the primary, intermediate, and advanced levels of religious education. This study aimed to analyze the management of the Arabic Language Department in teaching Arabic at Darussalam. Employing a qualitative case study approach, data were collected through interviews, non-participant observations, and documentation. Key informants included the deputy head of Arabic learning, the head of the Arabic program, Arabic language teachers, and students. The findings revealed that the administrative activities of the Arabic Language Program involved four stages: (1) Planning, which includes setting learning objectives, preparing materials, utilizing learning media, and determining teaching methods; (2) Organizing, encompassing task allocation for teachers, scheduling, and providing necessary facilities and equipment; (3) Implementation, carried out through closing meetings at the institution, teacher training, classroom visits, and fostering a culture of brotherhood; and (4) Evaluation, consisting of setting evaluation standards, conducting assessments, and making improvements and follow-ups. These well-structured activities demonstrate a comprehensive approach to managing Arabic language teaching, emphasizing both academic and social development. This systematic management ensures the program effectively supports students’ progress in mastering Arabic, aligning with the institution’s educational goals.


الكلمات الأساسية: ادارة, تعليم اللغة العربية

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