Edureligia: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam is an electronic journal that focuses on a scientific article concerning Islamic education issues in general published by Islamic Faculty of Nurul Jadid University in January 2017. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field of Islamic education written in neither English nor Indonesian and published twice a year in June and December.
Edureligia: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam focuses on developing integrative Islamic education, which combines Islamic principles with modern academic approaches and teaching methodologies. The journal accepts articles that examine innovation and transformation in Islamic education, both in madrasahs and pesantren, and how Islamic education can adapt to the times.
Accepted articles cover topics such as applying an interdisciplinary Islamic education model, integrating Islamic values into the curriculum, and developing character and spirituality in formal and non-formal education. The journal also opens up space for studies on the role of pesantren and madrasahs in forming superior generations and the challenges of Islamic education in facing globalization and multiculturalism. With this approach, Edureligia aims to become a leading platform for relevant and holistic Islamic education research.
Published by Islamic Faculty of Nurul Jadid University, Probolinggo, East Java, Indonesia. E-ISSN: 2579-5694: P-ISSN: 2549-4821.
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Vol 8, No 2 (2024)
All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 33 authors from 4 countries (Indonesia, Sudan, Nigeria, Libya)
Table of Contents
Rahmah Rahmah, Muhammad Nurhadi, M. Anang Sholikhudin
Ahmad Salamuddin, Munawar Rahmat, Fahrudin Fahrudin
Siti Sofiyatun, Zumrotul Fauziah, Moh Miftahul Choiri
Umi Muntafi’ah, Alaika M Bagus Kurnia PS, Amelia Khoirunisa, Erviana Iradah Ulya
Ahmad Sukardi, Kholilurrohman Kholilurrohman, Fathi Hidayah, Bannaga Taha Elzubair Hussen
Afi Rizqiyah, Gilbrania Affa, Mas Hanik Nur Maimunah, Ali Uroidli
Afkarul Azmi, Fahrudin Fahrudin, Agus Fakhruddin
Jibril Olaniyi Ayuba, Lawal Abiola Abdullateef
Taofeeq Olamilekan Sanusi, Ibrahim Solahudeen Owoyale-AbdulGaniy, Jamiu Abdur-Rafiu
Indi Aunullah, Rofiqi Rofiqi, Muhammad Kholil, Samsi Elvia Windari, Naser Ali Abdulghani