Management of the Arabic Language Teaching Program for Non-Native Speakers

maryam abdullah


The management of the Arabic language teaching program for non-native speakers at Umm Al-Qura Institute includes planning, organization, implementation, and monitoring. The management of the program intended in this research is how to manage the Arabic language teaching program for non-native speakers. The aim of this research is how to plan in the management of the Arabic language teaching program for non-native speakers at Umm Al-Qura Institute, how to organize in the management of the Arabic language teaching program for non-native speakers at Umm Al-Qura Institute, how to implement in the management of the Arabic language teaching program for non-native speakers at Umm Al-Qura Institute, and how to monitor in the management of the Arabic language teaching program for non-native speakers at Umm Al-Qura Institute. The researcher used the qualitative approach and the method of collecting interview data and scientific documents. The results of the research are as follows: - Teaching Arabic to non-native speakers differs in the method and style of teaching it to native speakers, as there are exits for Arabic letters that are a little difficult for non-native speakers. Education needs organized management and a coordinated program in order to achieve the intended goals, and it needs to be built in the best possible way in order to be able to achieve their goals. The management of the Arabic language teaching program for non-native speakers is an important field in the Islamic world that suffers from a lack of specialists and those in charge of developing appropriate programs and plans for it for non-native speakers. Education management is one of the topics that modern scientific studies in the field of management sciences have confirmed the great importance of education management, as not every teacher has the skill in that, and learning languages is a necessary matter in our time now because it is a means of communication.

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