Sleep Hygiene, Digital Media Use, and Sleep Quality Among Preschool-Aged Children

Ibnu Aqil


Sleep is a basic need that has a great impact on the physical and mental development of children, especially in the early phases of life. This study aims to examine the impact of digital media on children's sleep patterns and examine the application of sleep hygiene as a solution. The methodology used is a quantitative survey involving parents and educators as respondents, who collect information through questionnaires, observations, and structured interviews. The findings show that exposure to digital media before bed has a negative effect on children's sleep quality, leading to insomnia and irregular sleep patterns. The implementation of good sleep hygiene, such as limiting the use of digital media and establishing a regular sleep routine, has been proven to be effective in improving children's sleep quality. This research provides valuable insights for parents and educators in encouraging better sleep habits in the digital age.

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