Application of Philosophy of Science and Scientific Ethics in The Development of Science and Technology

Imroatus Sholihah


This research intends to analyze scientist thoughts on philosophy of science associated witht their research and the mplementation of ethical principles in technology development. It used qualitative methode through literature study. The main source of data are quoted from scientists, reseaechers and related documents. The research result shows that many scientists have basic understanding about science philosophy but its implemention for research mostly they are limited to technical aspect and methodology without considering thoroughly the social and implication. Whereas, the implication of ethical principles in technology development tenda to be minimal, although some scientists show their awarness of how important the ethics in research is. This research identify that there is a gap between the theory of philosophy science and the ethics towards the reality. The implication of this research is the need for better intregation between science philosophy and scientific ethics in scientific education and research policy to create technology which is not only innovative but also accountable socially and morally.

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