Evaluation of the Impact of Price Increases on the Availability of Basic Necessities for the Community in the 2024 Election Era

Widad Ulfatul Mawaddah Hadi


The purpose of this study is to examine how price spikes impact the provision of staple foods for the community throughout the 2024 election cycle. To analyze the data of this study, direct observation and interviews were combined with qualitative methodology. The main focus of this study is how cost increases affect the supply of rice in Dusun Tanjung, Karanganyar Village, Paiton District. Due to the nature of staple food prices that always fluctuate, people are often concerned about the impact of price spikes on their way of life. The findings of this study indicate that, apart from climate and weather factors that often contribute to sharp increases in staple food prices, the availability of staple food rice is quite normal. However, they also refer to changes in consumption patterns and purchasing decisions caused by the very high price spikes during the 2024 election era. Because there are many price options available to suit each customer's budget and lifestyle, this presents a variety of price choices for consumers.

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