Research Mapping on Shariah and Conventional Monetary Policies

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This study aims to find out the map of research development around Sharia and Conventional Monetary Policy with a VOSviewer bibliometric study. The research was carried out over a period of 10 years from 2015 to 2024 by searching through the Garuda website (Garba Rujukan Digital) saying that the key to Sharia Monetary Policy and Conventions is to do so. And 138 research articles were obtained. The articles were then analyzed descriptively, inputted, and analyzed with VOSviewer to find out the visualization of the mapping of the development of research topics and subjects around sharia and conventional monetary policies. The results of the study show that the number of publications on sharia and conventional monetary policies has increased significantly every year. Then, based on the results of mapping visualization using VOSviewer, research on Islamic Monetary Policy is divided into 9 clusters.

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