Perubahan Sosial Dalam Islam : Studi Pemikiran Para Tokoh

Dalilun Nafilin


Examining social change in Islam cannot be separated from the perspective of Islam itself. Every analysis carried out must be based on a deep understanding of the Islamic worldview. Therefore, it is important for us to realize that the conclusions of a study are greatly influenced by the school of thought adopted. In this research, researchers used a qualitative approach by relying on literature study as the main data source. Through in-depth analysis of various literature, this research aims to identify the understanding of Muslim thinkers regarding social change, as well as analyzing the influence of the thoughts of classical and modern Islamic figures on the social dynamics of Muslim society. The rules of jurisprudence emphasize that law is closely related to illat (cause). Changes in illat will have implications for changes in law. Thus, studying the thoughts of fiqh figures is crucial for examining how they interpret Islamic teachings in the context of continually developing social dynamics.

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