Komparasi Konsep Manusia Ibnu Khaldun dengan Sigmun Freud

faiqotul himmah


This study discusses the comparison of the concept of the human soul between two figures, namely Ibn Khaldun and Sigmund Freud. The method used is a literature study or literature review by comparing the views of both, with the aim of providing richer insight into the concept of the human soul in the context of history and psychology. The results of this study: 1. the concept of humans according to Ibn Khaldun is to prepare the soul for change from humanity through a transcendental process to an anglicality, 2. the concept of the human soul according to Sigmund Freud is divided into three, namely the conscious, the conscious threshold, and the subconscious which contains the id, ego, and superego, 3. Ibn Khaldun and Sigmund Freud have different thoughts where Ibn Khaldun identifies three levels of the human soul, which reflect the spiritual journey towards perfection, while Sigmund Freud develops the concept of personality structure with the id, ego, and superego as its components. Although different, both provide valuable perspectives that can be used as a basis for a deeper understanding of humans.

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