Muslim Psychologist In "Lubang Liawak": Analysis of the Book “The Dilemma of Muslim Psychologists” by Malik Badri

Muhammad Farid Azfaruddin


This study aims to analyze the book The Dilemma of Muslim Psychologists by Malik Badri, which raises issues related to the challenges faced by Muslim psychologists in modern psychological practice. This book describes the dilemma of Muslim psychologists who are at the crossroads between the dominant Western psychological science and the values of Islamic teachings that must be maintained in their professional practice. This study uses an analytical approach to identify the ethical, theoretical, and practical challenges faced by Muslim psychologists, and discusses possible solutions to bridge the gap. The results of the analysis indicate that there is a need to integrate psychological theory and practice with Islamic principles that can create a more comprehensive approach to dealing with psychological problems. In addition, this study also highlights the importance of building a theory of Islamic psychology that can be widely accepted and applied in more specific cultural and religious contexts. This study contributes to the development of psychological literature by offering a new perspective that connects psychological science with Islamic teachings, as well as opening up space for further research on the application of Islamic psychology in various social and cultural contexts.

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