Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris melalui E-Learning pada Pembelajar EFL
AbstractThis study aims to analyze the effectiveness of E-learning-based learning in improving English speaking skills of EFL learners. With a descriptive qualitative approach, this study collected data through observation, interviews, and documentation of grade XI students at MA Bahrul Ulum. The results showed that the use of E-learning has a positive impact on students' confidence in speaking, especially through interactive features such as voice recordings, videos, and discussion forums. In addition, this method allows students to practice speaking independently and receive constructive feedback from teachers, thus helping them improve their fluency and accuracy. However, challenges in direct interaction remain a major concern that needs to be addressed to ensure students' communication skills develop optimally. Therefore, E-learning-based learning can be an effective solution in teaching English, especially if integrated with strategies that encourage active communication in a more realistic learning environment.
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