Encouraging Active Participation Through Inclusive Differentiated Learning
AbstractThis study aims to explore the implementation of inclusive differentiated learning as a strategy to encourage active student participation in the classroom. With a qualitative research approach and case study type, data were collected through semi-structured interviews with the principal, vice principal of curriculum, vice principal of infrastructure, teachers and students, as well as through direct observation at MA Nurul Qadim which implements differentiated learning and documentation. The results of the study indicate that learning that is tailored to the needs and learning styles of individual students not only increases student engagement but also creates a more inclusive learning environment. Differentiated learning allows teachers to adjust materials, methods, and assessments according to the abilities of students, including those with special needs, so that each student can participate optimally. In addition, these findings indicate the importance of training for teachers to be able to implement differentiated learning effectively, as well as the need for supporting facilities and resources. Inclusive and differentiated learning has been shown to be able to overcome challenges in teaching, such as gaps in ability and differences in student learning styles. These findings indicate that the implementation of inclusive differentiated learning can improve the quality of education by creating more equitable, relevant, and effective learning. This study also recommends that schools continue to develop policies that support the implementation of more personalized and responsive learning to the needs of each student, by providing ongoing training for teachers and adequate supporting facilities.
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