Penggunaan Media Sosial dalam Mengatasi Confidence Crisis untuk Memperbaiki Citra Madrasah
AbstractSocial media is an important tool in facilitating effective communication, making it key to positive change. This study aims to identify best practices in utilizing social media to address the crisis of trust, as well as to provide strategic guidance for madrasahs in designing effective crisis communication in the digital era. The results of the study indicate that the use of social media, especially Instagram, significantly improves the reputation of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Mambaul Ulum in dealing with crisis issues. By implementing the right strategies, such as optimizing the use of Instagram, madrasahs are able to build a more positive image indirectly. The conclusion of this study confirms that social media is a strategic tool for building and maintaining a school's reputation in the eyes of the public. However, to achieve maximum effectiveness, schools must continue to adapt to technological developments and social media trends.
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