HUMANS AS AL INSAN IN THE QURAN: A Study of the Phenomenon of Indonesian Netizens' Impoliteness

abdullah rasyid


The study of humans as al insan and communication ethics in social media is very important to study. Recently, Indonesian netizens were nicknamed the most impolite netizens in Southeast Asia. This gives a bad name to society, religion, and the country. Therefore, understanding the nature of humans as al insan and good ethics in communicating is very important to do. The purpose of writing this article is to analyze the context of the nature of humans as al insan in the Qur'an and its relationship to the phenomenon of impoliteness of Indonesian netizens. The data sources for this study come from the Qur'an, hadith, e-journals, books, and trusted media. The analysis technique used in this study uses the mawdlu'i method. The results of this study state that (1) humans as al insan means that humans have good physical appearance and have good and bad traits. The good traits possessed by humans are in the form of being devoted to parents and learning new knowledge. While the bad traits of humans are jealous, arrogant, and cruel. (2) Communication ethics are important to know and do to create harmony in socializing. Good communication ethics must pay attention to other people's feelings and not create divisions. (3) Humans by nature have bad traits such as envy, arrogance, and cruelty so that they easily hurt others both physically and mentally. However, humans also have good traits such as doing good and speaking well so that actions to hurt others physically or mentally cannot be justified.

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